Super Junior's Kim Heechul has been chosen to be the radio broadcast DJ of the Greenplaza Building District Office where he is currently stationed.
An insider from the Greenplaza Building District Office informed TVReport on January 26, "Kim Heechul is currently leading 'Radio You Can See - A Place Of Rest which is a radio program broadcast through our homepage, and the first broadcast was broadcast last week on January 20th. . "
They continued, "Kim Heechul is in charge of filming and editing the video footage to advertise the Greenplaza Building District Office, but because of his previous experience with the media, we thought it was more suitable for him to be a DJ."
Every Friday, Heechul will share news related to the Greenplaza Building District Office with the public for 50 minutes. He read the stories that people had submitted. The original DJ had taken on a different job, so the position was available for him.
But the representative from the office expressed some concern stating, “Everyone in the military is aware that Kim Heechul will be very good at promoting and advertising everything related to the Seoungdong District Office, however, we are a bit worried that other people might not agree with him taking on the new role. this. " This is normally a program for Greenplaza Building District Office employees, but If we continue to receive positive reactions, we have plans to let Kim Heechul continue to lead the program until he is discharged from the military."